The widely reported story that Terrell Owens attempted suicide by swallowing a whole bottle of pills is apparently false. According to Owens, he had an adverse reaction when mixing his pain medication with various supplements that he takes. The confusion was evidently caused when his publicist found Owens' pill bottle empty. He said the rest of his pills were in a drawer.Get hot Cowboys insight . (4) According to WFAA-TV in Dallas, controversial Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens overdosed on pain medication that he was taking for a broken hand in an apparent suicide attempt. This information was supposedly obtained by a leaked Dallas police report.In a brief press conference minutes ago, Dallas police refused to confirm or deny the accuracy of the report and refused to answer all questions.Get Dallas Cowboys updates at (12) Steelers 36 Bettis Jersey
Thanks to this silliness known in the NFL as the "bye week," Dallas Cowboys fans are sure to jones (so to speak) for televisual coverage over the next two weeks. Fear not, Cowboy football addicts! Now coming to the rescue, that great democratizer of meaningless movie distribution,!Just to ease the suffering supporters of "America's Team" (at least until ESPN starts providing wall-to-wall coverage of the manicure cure on T.O.'s ring finger), yours truly sorted through over 200 YouTube videos this morning, just so y'all'll have something to watch.For your perusal, then, a few oddities, gems of weirdness or greatness in the bank of mostly lovingly edited fan clips."Dallas Cowboys, Remember?" by Mike641. Amidst a crazy number of videos comprised of smashmouth action set to heavy metal sliding guitar or bombastic gangsta stylings, Mike641 has created something a bit, um, gentler. Set to the strains of "Where Have all the Cowboys Gone?" by Paula Cole, it's 40 seconds of wistful sadness. Oh, Jimmy Johnson is Paula/Mike's "Johnny Wayne" and Troy Aikman is Harrison Ford. (Sound of eyebrow rising.)"Dallas Cowboys" by Jamsonx. A one-second video. If brevity is the soul of wit, Jamsonx is about the wittiest dude since Dante. That's Aligheri, not Stallworth."Dallas Cowboys Trumpets Star-Spangled Banner" by DPizza. Strictly speaking not a Cowboys video per se, but you gotta love it when sports broadcasters are left in the booth during breaks with the microphone left on. Check out Dan Fouts and Verne Lundquist riffing on Dallas' architecture and their knowledge of 70s acid rock. Where's Dennis Miller when you need him?"Dallas is going down!". Mark Miller, Buffalo Bills fan extraordinaire...all that energy wasted. Such a shame."Miami Dolphins vs. Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving '93" by KennyStang. Excellent-quality footage of a game which featured a wind chill of zero degrees, snow on the field and gaffes aplenty. Highlights include one dangerous field goal, and the famous "snow angel" TD celebration. Useful as a high school physics video as well, i.e. on the importance of friction."Super Bowl XIII: Dallas Cowboys vs. Pittsburgh Steelers" by Kickholder. Or, to be more specific, the only play anyone remembers from that game. You guessed it: The Jackie Smith Dropped Pass. If you've never seen it, watch it now. If you're a Steelers fan ... ah, you know what to do."Super Bowl VI: Dallas vs. Miami" by Kickholder. A couple of minutes from another long ago 'Bowl. Chuck Howley - wow! Geez, while you're into all these fantastic vintage clips, just go straight on to..."Great Super Bowl Moments of the Dallas Cowboys, 1970 ed." by Kickholder. Four Super Bowls captured. Stay with it: the video quality improves past the "NFL Today" intro which appears to have been excavated from circa Fred Flintstone's era. Five-and-a-half minutes of great moments, all."Redneck Girl" by BellamyBrothers. Steelers 10 Santonio Holmes jersey
Really? This is the only Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders stuff on YouTube? A lame promotional with the Bellamy Brothers performing before what looks like an empty house and the Cowgirls just sort of rocking back and forth? Talk about the fall of a legend...For more on the Dallas Cowboys, y'all come back to, y'hear? (0)
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