
27 Dec 10 You Can't Handle The Truth: Paul Pierce's Tweet Isn't The Story

Doug Benc/Getty ImagesBoston: 95Orlando: 92That is what the score read last night. The Celtics going up 2-0 in the series and perhaps effectively ending the Orlando Magic's season. It was perhaps the most entertaining game of the playoffs, but in continuing the theme of the off court action being more entertaining in the NBA, Paul Pierce's post-game presser set off a storm of tweets and speculation about what he "supposedly" said on twitter after the game."Anybody got a BROOM" said Pierce, the tweet has received almost as much San Diego Chargers jersey
ttention as the text messages Tiger Woods sent his mistresses, the consensus is that Pierce could not have sent it as it was sent while he was at the podium, but I think the real story is how ridiculous this whole story is.We just finished a game where the aging, once written off Boston Celtics took all of the home court advantage away from the team that was written as unstoppable, who were 8-0 in the first two rounds and barely broke a sweat in the process.A game where Vince Carter, the league's most notorious choker went to the line with a three point deficit and thirty seconds left, and bricked both. Shouldn't this be what we are talking about today?Or how about KG's turnaround jumper, which I think will keep him effective for a couple more seasons, or Glen Davis stepping up in the fourth quarter, stopping Howard, who was having a great game, and preserving the lead.And for all you Duke fans, how about JJ Redick having a solid performance in the fourth quarter of the Eastern Conference Finals? I know you guys gotta love that, besides for Grant Hill not a lot of your alumni are performing in any playoff game, let alone in the Conference Finals.With all of these stories I am shocked to see that the top two stories last night were how the lottery affected San Francisco 49ers jersey
where LeBron is destined to go and a tweet that was either sent or not, what are we all in high school?Basketball coverage has taken such a turn for the worse in this playoffs that it is sickening, ESPN feels the need to have a discussion about where LBJ is going to go in every quarter. Imagine how stupid this is going to look if any of these games go on ESPN Classic if LeBron decides to stay with Cleveland?I would like to see us go back to the glory days of sports announcing in the 1990s when Marv Albert and Bob Costas were covering some of the most fierce playoff battles on NBC and if you turned those games on today they would still be entertaining and seem relevant.Now you are lucky if they take more than two minutes to cover the game and stop whatever mundane discussion they are having at the moment.And while I find that somewhat entertaining, but that's what I have twitter and my friends for, to provide me with humor and joke about the game, I rely on the announcers to provide me with stats and whatever Seattle Seahawks jersey
fundamental thing I may not know.The sports scene is slowly turning into the entertainment scene, with rumors and gossip filling the airspace and the great writing being overshadowed. And it doesn't seem to be changing.But Paul Pierce's tweet is good for something, because I really do need a broom to sweep this bullshit away from my cranium.

