
Premier Showdown

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Another fine, fine win for the Rest of the World team last weekend as Eric Ambrosy hit double figures for our team of challengers for the second successive week.
Maybe the ROTW are on a roll? What is nfl jerseys
for sure is that the misery of the last couple of seasons could be coming to an end. Can Dale Johnson or Tommy Smyth get their first outright win of the season?
Representing the ROTW this weekend is Ruben Subramaniam who is from Perak in Malaysia.
He tells us: "Hello, Premier Showdown. It's my greatest pleasure to enroll myself here as we fight for the perfection of the greatest football game and we are sailing in the same boat of anti-racism. I am a 22-year-old, final year law degree student and I'm also working part time as a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
bar manager in a club in Malaysia.
"I'm the craziest fan of Liverpool. Thanks once again, Premier Showdown, for giving me a chance to actually make my predictions. Greatest regards."
Flattery will get you everywhere.
Points are then awarded as follows:
• Three points for a correct result and scoreline
• One point for a correct result
After the weekend's Minnesota Vikings jersey
scores are in and the Showdown result has been worked out, the winning pundit receives three points for their season's total. Should the challenger win, the total is added to the Rest of the World tally. In the case of a draw, the points are shared.

