
Jacksonville Jaguars – Wayne Weaver

Yes, the man I ranked last two years ago and nicknamed “Whine Weaver” is moving up on the list yet again as he tries to make it work in a struggling market that probably shouldn’t have an NFL team. Based on conversations with several of his peers, I still believe nfl throwback jerseys
Weaver wants out, at the right price, but he has kept his complaining to a minimum and has tried to become a team player on the league level. As the chair of the business ventures committee, Weaver helped spearhead the record-setting sponsorship deal with Anheuser-Busch that more than doubled the league’s previous take (from its contract with Coors) in that category. And when credit-card sponsor Bank of America tried to get the league to accept a less favorable nfl jerseys wholesale
deal than its previous one, and numerous owners were prepared to comply, Weaver remained defiant. “He held the line on B of A and wouldn’t bend over to do a deal on their terms,” one owner says of Weaver. “He said, ‘No, [expletive] it, we’re not going to get [expletive] by them.’ And even in this lousy economy, he went and got a better deal from Barclays.” Weaver also enjoyed a small victory on the local level. Though only one Jags home game was televised last season, and they have nothing but blackouts in their future (the Stones’ “Paint It, Black” should be blared over the loudspeakers before every kickoff), he did manage to swing a stadium naming-rights deal with Everbank for authentic nfl jerseys
a reported $16.6 million over five years.

